In what ways does this dialogue develop your response to Othello in the play as a whole?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Following this mingled conversation in which Desdemona playfully reverses Othello's insinuating diagnosis; Desdemona informs her husband that she has sent for Cassio to speak to Othello. However Othello ignores this piece of information and claiming a cold in the head, asks for her handkerchief. Desdemona expresses regret that she does not have it with her. Othello reproves her for not having and then gives an account of why the handkerchief is so important. Since the …

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…Desdemona answers each of his demands with a plea for Cassio. Once more Othello becomes enraged when his demands are refused. This time his anger is far more ominous, for he utters no threats. During his earlier inquiries into Cassio's misconduct and Iago's suspicions, he relied on Iago's word. He will return to Iago again and believe what he is told, for Othello must have promo answers for his question. Othello leaves in a rage.