In what ways does Shakespeare in Act 1, Scene 1 introduce dramatic tension and some of the key themes of "Romeo and Juliet"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"Romeo and Juliet" is the tragic tale of forbidden love, fate and destiny. The prologue is important as it introduces these key themes and creates dramatic irony. It is introduced by a chorus - to give us a commentary and summary of the action. The dramatic irony whets the audience's appetite for the play, and the prologue helps the lower class audience understand the storyline easier. Act 1 Scene 1 grabs the attention of both the higher …

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…a mood whereas on a stage mistakes can be made, and there's the risk that the atmosphere may be lost. In the end, the prologue rings true and Romeo and Juliet die the tragic deaths foretold before. I think it is the most inspiring and beautiful love story ever old and there will never be another one like it; "For there never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo".