In what ways and to what extent does A Doll's House suggest that rebellion against society is essential if the individual is to find their true self.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Nora is by all accounts a crazy woman. She is pathetic example for a wife and a mother. She is an individual who believes that the only way to change a society is by shocking it, and succeeds beautifully (or rather brutally). She is unsympathetic and does not believe in negotiations as a solution. The ease with which she leaves behind a broken husband and three children is appalling. Not once is she shown to …

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…the other end of the spectrum are people like Dr. rank who are punished by the 'society' for someone else's faults ; Krogstad and Linde's who are broken by the society into zombies and live on feeding at the crumbs the society throws down at them and Torvald's who accept the set social norms as infallible, mould themselves in them and seem so incapable of changing that when they don't bend they have to be broken.