"In this war with no front lines on a map, never was intelligence more essential - but seldom has intelligence performed so poorly." Discuss in regard to Vietnam, 1962-72.

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"In this war with no front lines on a map, never was intelligence more essential - but seldom has intelligence performed so poorly." Discuss in regard to Vietnam, 1962-72. Even though the US had some of the finest intelligence services in the world, the disaster at Pearl Harbour on Sunday 7 December 1941 took the Americans completely by surprise even though they were listening to Japan's most secret radio traffic and there were many signs that such …

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…Vietnam. <Tab/>James J. Writz, '"Intelligence to Please"? the order-of-battle controversy during the Vietnam War', Political Science Quarterly. Summer 1991. <Tab/>Thomas L. Cubbage, 'Westmoreland vs. CBS: Was intelligence corrupted by policy demands?' Intelligence and National Security. 3:3 (July 1988) <Tab/>Ang Chen Guan, 'Khe Sanh - from the prospective of the North Vietnamese Communists', War in History. 8:1 (Jan 2001), pp. 87-98.