In the story Beowulf there are many monsters. The explanation of what accounts for Grendel's evil can be shown by the author's figure of speech.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In the story Beowulf there are many monsters. Grendel happens to be one of the main characters whom Beowulf fights and conquers. The explanation of what accounts for Grendel's evil can be shown by the author's figure of speech. One way the author uses figure of speech is through imagery. In the first part of the story it describes Grendel's relentlessness. "He slipped through the door and there in the silence snatched up thirty men, …

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…of Cain's mistake in killing his brother Abel. The symbolization of Grendel as the evil from the descendent Cain is one other reason to account for his great evilness. In conclusion many aspects make up the character of the monster Grendel as being evil. The use of figure of speech throughout the story helps explain the monster's evilness in great detail. Grendel and Beowulf shall be remembered as the greatest fight between good and evil.