In the extract from the book "4 hours" in "My Lai" by Michael Bilton, what does he tell us about the American Army in Vietnam?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Source A tells us of the problems faced by America during the Vietnam War. It says that troops were drafted into the US army and scored so low on the IQ tests that they should have been rejected from service. We are told that the army being sent to Vietnam was on a tour of duty of about 1 year and had an average life expectancy of 6 months, which meant that, as the source puts it, "…

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…command in guerrilla warfare and America was using unsuitable technology for jungle Warfare. I would agree with Source A by Michael Bilton because he has done extensive research by asking English, Americans and Vietnamese on their views, he has delved deeply into the Vietnam war, he is English, and we weren't involved and he is writing in 1992, which gives him the ability of hindsight. This lets him get a more unbiased look on the war.