In the World, but not of the world

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Essay Database > History
In The World, But Not Of The World To many, the Amish are viewed as misunderstood, shut off from the outside world. Many Americans are angered by the Amish ways and beliefs. Are the Amish trying to defy the American political system or are they just misunderstood. Is it political reasons or religious beliefs that allow them to live in the world, but not of the world? During the Reformation in sixteen-century Europe, Luther and …

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…The slow-moving vehicles anger motorists, and collisions between cars and buggies are on the uprise. Some Amish hold outsiders in contempt, calling them "English" a pejorative term referring to the use of the proper English tongue. More restrained Amish refer to outsiders as "white folk," regardless of their skin color. Today the Amish stubbornly maintain their way of life, making concessions to modernity only grudgingly, by living in the world, but not of the world.