"In the Skin of the Lion" analysis

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Michael Ondaatje's novel "In the Skin of the Lion" revolves around the life of many characters and are constructed in short stories found throughout the novel. Throughout the course of the novel, we encounter many different characters. These characters all portray a type of element that brings forth the main idea of the book. These elements include fire, water and air. All of these elements that are represented by characters show us that it guides …

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…is related to the element of air which is to produce sound. Since he is the element of air he produced sound. (34) As stated from the novel, Nicholas enjoys chores, this is a characteristic of human survival. He describes himself for being like mercury "35". Mercury is a God that is associated with the element of air. This God is also known as Hermes who is known to be knowledgable and quick. He is a messenger.