"In the Land of White Death" by Valerian Albanov.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Book review for "In the Land of White Death" by Valerian Albanov In his book Albanov tells about his journey over the frozen ice of the arctic sea, trying to escape from the frozen ship. Albanov was the navigator on board of Saint Anna, a Russian explorer, which left Murmansk in August 1912 in search for new hunting grounds in the polar waters. The ship was frozen in ice in late October of the same year …

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…interested in learning more about exploration of the arctic. I personally enjoyed this book very much, because it gives you an interesting story and is nicely written. The book also makes you think about how the people managed to cover hundreds of kilometres of frozen sea, pushing themselves to the edge, and what other great things people are capable of. The book also gives you accurate facts, so it could be used for studying history.