In the Australian Book, 'A Cage of Butterflies', what does the author, Brian Caswell, want to tell the reader about Being Different?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the novel, A Cage of Butterflies, by Brian Caswell, he explores many themes, the most important being the theme of 'being different. I believe that Brian Caswell is very passionate about this topic and that he wants to explore what being different and an individual really means. This topic is very relevant in today's society. Being drastically different is a burden because you will never be or feel accepted. Many of the kids at …

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…in the world. All of the kids at the Institute would have had a lot to deal with as a result of being so different. I believe that Brian Caswell wants to tell the reader that although someone may be different due to physical, intellectual, mental or psychological reasons, we should not treat him or her differently. I believe that being different can be a burden, or a blessing...its what you make of it.