In speaking for those who have no means of speaking, Bruce Dawe has succeeded in writing poetry that has universal appeal.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The universal appeal of Bruce Dawe's poems lie in the poet's passion in speaking for those who have no means of speaking. In "The Wholly Innocent" Dawe challenges his readers through a wilful determination to terminate the pregnancy of a healthy foetus. And in Homecoming Dawe questions the validity of war as he speaks of the untimely death of several adolescent boys who are brought home as dead soldiers. Through the use of persona in …

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…the reader to construct the savagery of war blighting life prematurely. Consequently, in The Wholly Innocent and Homecoming, Dawe carefully manipulates his audience to feel sympathy towards the unborn foetus and the dead young soldiers. Therefore, through these poems Dawe reflects his views towards war and abortion which are both universal issues hence, gaining him universal appeal. In doing this, Dawe has become famous as he "speaks for those who have no means of speaking."