In an essay response discuss how The Case of Lady Sannox, the Cask of Amontillado, Murder on the Orient Express and Playback contribute to your understanding of the crime fiction genre.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Through the chosen texts a greater understanding of the crime fiction genre has been achieved. The four authors are all writing in different time periods which is reflected in the content of their respective text. Although, the four texts are all a part of the crime fiction genre, each has different qualities making the genre seem very broad. The genre has been through an evolution since its beginnings in which the conventions of the genre …

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…has been achieved. The four authors are all writing in different time periods which is reflected in the content of their respective text. The genre has been through an evolution since its beginnings in which the conventions of the genre have changed to reflect the social values at the time. The social attitudes and values have extended from the Industrial revolution to a conservative England to a period after the great depression in the US.