In "Tree At My Window," by Robert Frost.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In "Tree At My Window," Robert Frost addresses a tree growing outside of his bedroom window with these words: "But tree...You have seen me when I slept, ... I was taken and swept / And all but lost. / That day she put our heads together, / Fate had her imagination about her, / Your head so much concerned with outer, / Mine with inner, weather." In these lines Frost conveys several emotions and themes that infiltrate many of his …

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…gave birth to some of his greatest works, and from these works we see the man behind the poetry. We see a man who dealt with more heartbreak, hardships and sorrow than most should have to endure. We see a man who put more effort and soul into his work, than many will ever attempt. And we see a man whose works have inspired many, and will continue to do so for generations to come.