In The Skin Of A Lion

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
"Let me now re-emphasise the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects" How Ondaatje makes use of "loosness" in the novel. In "In The Skin Of A Lion" by Michael Ondaatje, "the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects" is carried into the themes, characters and into the nature of the novel itself. Ondaatje uses a "looseness" in the style of the novel - post modernism, and "looseness of structure" in the way …

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…no doubt that every significant event has been covered and cross-referenced. All these literary devices contribute to the effect of looseness in the way the novel is written. This is reflective of the themes, in that history's interpretation can be loosened. There is "extreme looseness" in the meaning of events to the people who built Toronto in comparison to the official histories, and the symbolic natures of the "structure of all objects" in the novel.