In "The Adventures of Huckleberry" by Finn, Mark Twain uses satire to reveal faults in society.
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Satire censures things, people, activities, or ideas, and makes people see things that they normally wouldn't permit to exist. Often times, satire is used to relay a message between an author and his reader. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses satire to reveal faults in society. The humor he includes leaves his reader laughing at him or herself, and often times responding with a "That's me" statement. By the end of the
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as a symbol of this change. In each satirical scene mentioned, Huck entered the situation unaware of societies faults, yet walked away with a closer realization of the steps needed to build a perfect world. Hopefully, starting with this AP english class, each and every reader who opens this book will begin to realize their faults and reach the last page a new person. Because according to Mark Twain, change is what this society needs.
as a symbol of this change. In each satirical scene mentioned, Huck entered the situation unaware of societies faults, yet walked away with a closer realization of the steps needed to build a perfect world. Hopefully, starting with this AP english class, each and every reader who opens this book will begin to realize their faults and reach the last page a new person. Because according to Mark Twain, change is what this society needs.