In Macbeth, sleep was meant as a sanctuary or a safe haven but as the play progresses sleep becomes fear and not being able to think clearly which gives you a whole different perspective in life.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>A day without sleep is bad enough with all the headaches and feeling tired. How much more if you haven't slept in weeks or even a whole year. Sleep can be defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body. In Macbeth, sleep was meant as a sanctuary or a safe haven but as the play progresses sleep becomes fear and not being able to think …

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…those murders. <Tab/>Sleep is something a person thrives. It can boost up your energy. Sleep is as important as eating or in the olden days, sleep is as important as the title you are given. Sleep was portrayed as the goodness in peoples hearts as fear, it also portrayed as something evil. Sleep can have many different meanings but it is only determined on how people you use the word.