In "Macbeth", by William Shakespeare, Is Macbeth to blame for the murders in his name?

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It is my belief, that the character of Macbeth, in the play of the same name by William Shakespeare, was not completely to blame for the murders in his name. Macbeth's character is kind, sociable, generous, intelligent yet immature, and very loyal to his wife. The latter two played the biggest parts in his rise and fall as king of Scotland. All the events leading up to his crowning and death can be attributed to …

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…fall of Macbeth, although in my opinion, if the the prophecies really were just that, and then even without Macbeths knowledge of the future, he would have been crowned king. Or, maybe, the prophecies only became such, because Macbeth was told them, therefore, it was nothing more, than three old witches playing with a susceptible mind. In blood/ Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o'er.