In Letters From and American Farmer, Crevecoeur argues that "self-interest" is an admirable and moral goal. Do you agreeor disagree that self interest is the best goal that a person can have?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
In Letters From an American Farmer, Crevecoeur states that "self interest" is a beneficial goal. Everybody has "self interest" weather it's a goal pertaining to money or education or life. I believe "self interest" is the best goal a person can have. The American Dream itself is about "self interest," not greed or selfishness. Wanting to do good things in life or wanting to have a successful life are both good "self interests." <…

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…for wanting more than the school says I can have. <Tab/>Not there are always exceptions to anything. There are people out there that are selfish and greedy when it comes to "self interest." A majority of people are honestly working hard towards the goal of success in their life. Should a few bad cases ruin the credibility of all people pursuing the goal of "self interest" in an honest manner?