In "Fern Hill," by Dylan Thomas depicts a child's magical childhood and the restraints time has on life itself.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Poetry Commentary It is often said that in kindergarten every life lesson necessary for survival is taught. Children run, play, and most importantly let imaginations run wild. The world is innocent and new without the corruption of man, or at least it can not be seen by such adolescent eyes. A child constructs another world through mythical fairy tales or elaborate bed time stories. In "Fern Hill," Dylan Thomas depicts a child's magical childhood and …

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…of time before it takes its toll on the boy and he is forced to mature. Thomas is forced to realize that the youthful days are over, but has fond memories of youth. Every individual has different childhood memories that live with them forever. These personal experiences will impact every decision that is made as an adult. These memoirs have impact on lives on a regularly and are always good stories to tell the grandchildren.