In Dubious Battle - Jim's character analysis

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Essay Database > Law & Government
<Tab/>In Dubious Battle is not just a story of striking workers, but of Jim's development into a perfect Communist Party member and his demise. Mac is a detrimental figure for Jim, exploiting him and leading to his demise. In In Dubious Battle, Jim, the protagonist, enters the story (And the Communist Party) as an empty shell of a man, with little or no property, family, or purpose. Jim said himself, "…

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…plight of other individuals or himself, and became completely enveloped in Communism, a cause that, in the end, would make all social injustices better. The desire for a belief that everything would turn out well in the end if we just did our best enveloped Jim, as Christianity and Islam have done to countless other downtrodden people - And that belief led to his death, as well as a final, bloody end to the strike.