"In Death Constant beyond Love" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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"In Death Constant beyond Love", we get a picture of what Senator Sanchez is really like. He is a powerful money hungry man who finds out he is going to die. He does however become very intrigued by Laura Farina. The senator's erotic love for Laura is an illusion because he is left with solitude at the end of the story. Senator Sanchez is very stunned by Laura's beauty and it takes him by surprise. …

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…him feel better. In conclusion this story is of power and money but it is also about a man who is told that he will die. He loathes having someone by his side when he dies. He likes Laura's beauty and grace. He is dilusional though because his erotic obsession for Laura might be the only thing that eases him at his time of death. Laura is using him to get something for her father.