In Cold Blood

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
In a small town in Kansas a family of four were murdered for no apparent reason. The murderers ran for a few years and finally they were caught, tried, and accused for murder. In 1965 they were hung for the crime. In the story a family was killed for no reason. This well respected farming family had no enemies, and no quarrels. Although they were wealthy, Mr. Clutter never kept cash in the house. The whole …

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…that you can trust someone you really can't. It made me realize that not all people are good natured. It also made me realize that your mind can be changed by your friends. I felt this book was well written, and provided a good story line. It included a good combination of crime, which eventually lead to law and order. I enjoyed reading the book, and would recommend it to others taking the law program.