Impression of cicil trial process with regard to the Woburn case.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
My impression of the civil trial process as part of ourb system of justice is negative in that it permits large companies fight and preclude small people from bringing their actions, the way it is set up, and it overloaded and is not really an effective means of stopping people from bringing frivolous cases to trial, which helps lead to justice being slower and more expensive then ever. The first reason that my impression is …

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…should not have been making any decisions and the decisions they made did not make sense, such as dropping the Beatrice case but not the Grace. It seems to me that the judge made his decisions based on the fact that he wanted it to be over already and all the publicity it was getting. These are a few of the reason why I feel that justice was and wasn't done in the Woburn case.