Imposible Dream? (Reparations)

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Essay Database > History > World History
Jake Herigstad Herigstad Page 1 Professor Gordon Final Paper on Reparations Communications 105 12-04-03 The impossible dream? Reparations is defined by Webster as the act of making amends for a wrong. This is a topic in which hits close to home for many American citizens. Lewis says "Why are reparations good for Native Americans, Jewish Holocaust survivors and Japanese Americans but not people of African decent?" Is reparation needed in our society today? Is it to …

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…is. Herigstad Page 12 References Lewis (2002). Reparations: One day at a time. New York: Chicago Independent Bulletin. Bar Foundation (2000). Forty acres and a mule. New Jersey: New Jersey Law Center. Masci (2001). Should payments be made?. New York: CQ Press Congressional Quarterly Inc. Race Relations (2003). The issue. New York: About Inc. Horowitz (2001). Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea. New York, NY.: Front Page Magazine. Williams (2001). Slavery Reparations. New York, NY: Jewish World Review.