Important factors leading to industrial revolution

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Nowadays, it is almost taken for granted that the industrial revolutions are the result of changing technology and the proper application of that in the industrial production. However, from my point of view, these two factors did play a vital role in stimulating industrial revolutions, but they were not the only catalyzer propelling monumental development in industry. Influentially, the improvements in organizations of politics, social patterns, commerce, finance, and transportation also accounted for the prosperous …

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…Bibilography: C.Hill, Reformation to industrial revolution. 1980, Penguin books Ltd. A.Toynbee, The industrial revolution. Boston : The Beacon Press, 1964 R.M. Hartwell. The causes of the industrial revolution in England. London: Methuem & Co Ltd, 1967 G. Macesich. The United States in the changing global economy. The United States: Praeger, 1997 T.<Tab/>K.McCraw. American Capitalism Course Kit : 100-123 P. Botticelli . Brithish capitalism and the three industrial revolutions Course Kit : 78-99