Important Facts about the Vietnam War. Good Notes for a test on the Vietnam War.

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Know the difference between Hawks and Doves Hawks - Pro war Doves - Against war How many where killed in Vietnam? Approx. 50,000 American Soldiers where killed. Which president drastically escalated our involvement in Vietnam? President Johnson What were the results that came out of the Geneva Agreement of 1954? After nine years of bitter war the French finally pulled out of Indo China, dividing the former colonies into independent states with the Geneva Agreement of 1954. Under …

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…intervening. 3)Wars cannot be won without strong support both at home as well as in the nations awe are attempting to assist, 4)The media can have a very powerful effect on public opinion. 5)In covering the war, the press contributing to the anti-war movement and also jeopardizes the lives of American troops. Today national security is viewed as more important. Thus the media at times has limited access (such as in the Persian Gulf War.)