Importance of the Emperor in chinese history and development

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Ancient China's civilization began approximately 8,000 years ago on the banks of three great rivers. These were the Yellow in the north, the Wei in the northwest and the Yanzi in the south. For centuries, the Ancient Chinese (having been enclosed by mountains, deserts and seas and having little contact with the outside world) developed their own way of life and called their country the Middle Kingdom, as they believed it to be the centre of …

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…emperor was essential for the development and growth of their society. It was far more advantageous to China to have an Emperor, rather than to live without one, as a result of the points mentioned throughout the essay. The extensive progress the Chinese civilization made under the emperor's rule was by far the most impressive for their time. Having an emperor was beneficial not only for China, but also for the rest of the world.