Importance of the Alamo

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Essay Database > History > North American History
When many people think of Texas, they think of cowboys, Indians, but also some of them think of the Alamo. The Alamo is the most popular tourist attraction in Texas. A little more then 3 million visitors visit the Alamo every year. It's located in an ideal location, the heart of Texas, San Antonio. The history of the Alamo is very significant to Texas' independence which ultimately led to Texas becoming a part of the union. …

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…up on top. They got to become their own republic which later became a part of this great country. <Tab/>The Alamo's key role in Texas history is something that can not be pushed aside. Without the battle of the Alamo, Texas could still be a part of Mexico today. The Alamo is an audacious story of how many people can get together to fight for what they believe is right.