Importance of army, diplomacy, gender roles and social structure of ramesside period

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
SOCIAL STRUCTURE *<Tab/>Actual order of structure in pyramid drawn next to source 5 *<Tab/>Look at source 1 brief outline *<Tab/>O Connor explains the occupations defined the socio-economic divisions between the social structures. THE KING *<Tab/>Erik Hornung- "The social pyramid of humanity, as seen by the Egyptians, culminated in the king." *<Tab/>Essential essence …

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…some written by women and men. <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> Frank open tone, declaring love, sense of passion, very non-conservative.  As well as certain letters, is quite open about the public accessibility and freedom of women. *<Tab/>Can easily see elements of an emancipation of the previously more conservative attitudes towards women's social behaviour occurring during Ramesside Period.