Importance of Journeys

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
What have you learnt about the importance of journey from your study of physical Journey? Refer to 2 poems, 1 supplementary and 1 stimulus material. A physical journey may be a walk in the park or a travel to a wilderness place where clueless is a common word. The importance of physical journeys is the hardship and memories it carries within the traveller. The importance of physical journeys are going to discussed through the poems Crossing the red …

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…emotions and desired feelings are carried along with the journey. As in "Crossing the red sea", "Immigrants at Central Station" and the photograph by David Moore, a sombre and sadness tone was established. Also emotions of fear and relief were shown through the photograph of the first reaction of migrants arriving on a boat. Physical journeys arouse the curiosity of people to explorer. As benefits can be gained from physical journeys towards self-knowledge and understanding.