Imperialism in Japan from 1937-1951

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Imperialism is the imposition of one nation's government, culture and economic needs on another nation or territory. In Japan, imperialism meant the desire to form an expansionist policy on the nations and areas surrounding it. Although Japan's main imperialist aims were endeavoured during the Second World War, their imperialist ambitions are evident from as early as 1894, during the Sino-Japanese War with China where it gained much influence in Manchuria and Shandong. In 1895 Japan took control …

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…a Greater East-Asia co-prosperity sphere which involved occupying the land in the South Pacific region, for it to be turned into a common market under the political control of Japan. Japans motives for imperialism were: *<Tab/>The gaining of resources *<Tab/>The need for a larger consumer market to boost their economy *<Tab/>And a wish to 'cleanse' Asia of western colonial influence.