"Imperialism, Alliances, and War" - Study Notes

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Essay Database > History > European History
After 1870, Europe extended its power over ten million square miles and one hundred fifty million people - about one-fifth of the world's land area and one-tenth of its population. Since the motives for the New Imperialism was economic, European attitudes toward imperialism was hanged. Previous imperialism seized land and settled it with the conqueror's people or established raiding centers to exploit the resources of the dominated area. However, in New Imperialism, a European nation would …

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…Russia out of the war, which they believed benefited only capitalism. Trotsky was Lenin's chief collaborator who was imprisoned and led the powerful Petrograd soviet. He also organized the coup that took place on November 6 and that concluded with an armed assault on the provisional government. Until 1921, the new Bolshevik government met major domestic resistance. By 1921 Lenin and his supporters were in firm control. Taking Russia out of the war placed German with great success.