Impearalism in the United States. Describe the events leading the US to a policy of "Imperialism."

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>"In strict confidence... I should welcome almost any war, I think this country needs one." declared Teddy Roosevelt in a letter to his friend, 1897. Continuing he wrote, "To prepare for war is the most effectual means to promote peace... No triumph of peace can equal the armed triumph of war." It was clear Roosevelt desired war and for only one reason - imperialism. Him and his Washington imperialist friends manipulated …

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…and quickly attributed it to a "Spanish mine." <Tab/>On April 11, 1898, McKinley sent a war message to Congress. Legislators drew up and enacted a joint resolution recognizing Cuba's independence and authorizing force to expel the Spanish. Americans watched eagerly as news of the war came to them. This was but only the first significant step towards fulfilling the reincarnated Manifest Destiny. Teddy and his boys got their war. Imperialism had won.