Impeachent and Andrew Johnson
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > History
There has never been a President of the United States that has been removed from office. However, there have been Presidents that have been impeached. Impeachment is when Congress and the Supreme Court exercise what the Constitution calls "Checks and Balances". Contrary to popular belief, impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office. Impeachment means that the Legislature has the legal right to investigate, expose, and remedy crimes committed by a politician or the
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him. The first was that Johnson only needed a few more Republicans to join his pro-Johnson-colleagues to prevent by only one vote his removal from office. The second being that he had dynamite lawyers who kept the trial focused on the indictable offenses of the law instead of the broad questions of Johnson's character. Johnson avoided conviction by only one vote. Perhaps because his amazing lawyers got the self-wounding President to keep his mouth shut.
him. The first was that Johnson only needed a few more Republicans to join his pro-Johnson-colleagues to prevent by only one vote his removal from office. The second being that he had dynamite lawyers who kept the trial focused on the indictable offenses of the law instead of the broad questions of Johnson's character. Johnson avoided conviction by only one vote. Perhaps because his amazing lawyers got the self-wounding President to keep his mouth shut.