Impact of Slavery on Southern Economy

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Essay Database > History
Slavery had a tremendous impact on all aspects of the South from 1810 to 1860. The effects of which can still be seen today in states like South Carolina and Georgia. In these years, Slavery was what kept the South alive and at the same time, gradually aided in its demise. The limited diversity of the Southern Economy and the slaves led to the fall of the Southern economy. Slavery had an extensive impact on the economy …

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…contained the largest amount and largest groups of slaves. In the upper South, slave numbers were much smaller and they were usually members of families. Slavery proved to be the backbone of the southern economy in these years. As technological advancements were made, the role of the slaves gradually decreased. The slaves were freed and the economy changed but the institution of slavery definitely left a scar on the economy of the South. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**