Impact of SARS on HR Policy plan

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
There's some relief for workers, employers should review their insurance No one could have imagined the impact that SARS has had on HR policies. Suddenly, severe acute respiratory syndrome has become a critical issue not just for healthcare professionals but also for the corporate world. In Ontario, the hardest-hit jurisdiction in Canada, the province's Occupational Health and Safety Act states that every employee has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment. The …

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…a health risk of epidemic proportions. Lives could be lost if proper precautions are not taken. But there are no easy answers. When it comes to addressing issues with SARS, and employees' rights in the workplace, proceed with caution and compassion. Employers should not overreact, but should act with reason and evidence. Without either, SARS will infiltrate the workplace and ravage and destroy the healthy and safe work environment which employees have come to know.