Impact of Immigration on Society

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Until 1945, and the continuing threat of invasion by Asia, Australia's immigration policy had been one to accept only Western Europeans who conformed to the stereotypical mould of an Australian. As the reality of Australia's vulnerability was understood, the new Immigration minister, Arthur Calwell, formed the opinion that Australia must "populate or perish" as there were only 2.3 people to every square kilometer of Australian soil. At his request, new immigrants from all over the world, besides …

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…one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the world and has a suitable friendly and liberal attitude to complement it. To reward Australia for its welcoing attitude, the many immigrants to Australia have provided it with many new skills and products including such simple things as foreign cuisine and such importnat things as scientific progress, technological progress and improved international relations. It seems that increased immigration has benefited Australia in more ways than one.