Impact of Diversity on Human Resources

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Impact of Diversity on Human Resources Entering the new millennium, businesses throughout America faced a new challenge. Analysts believed that this new challenge would have a powerful impact on our future as a productive society. However, few American businesses seemed adequately prepared to deal with the new challenge-the increasing cultural diversity of the American workforce (Online.Diversity). Today, the challenges and potential opportunities posed by employee diversity in the American workplace are a growing …

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…and valued (Wolchek). At the onset of the new millennium and as new issues emerge and confound old systems, a single homogenized approach to management and problem solving will become far less likely to succeed. Instead, creative solutions will be far more likely to come from a broad, deep pool of diverse talents, perspectives and life experiences. It is the richness of employee diversity that will lead to innovation and productive change in the future.