Impact of television shows on children

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The Saturday Morning Massacres Saturday mornings have become a popular day for crimes. Last Saturday a boy named Kenny died, a coyote tried to kill a roadrunner, and an inspector blew up his boss. These Saturday morning massacres are not taking place on the streets, but in our television sets. It is called entertainment for young children. Many shows, especially cartoons, geared towards children center around violence. "The Simpsons," "South Park," "Power Rangers," and "X-Men" …

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…really harmful while their heroes blow up cities and kill the enemies. These violent cartoons have negative effects on children. They are teaching children the consequences of their actions are not important, and they are creating modern heroes with un-heroic qualities. Works Cited Gunethilake, Uthpala. "Bang Bang Time!" The Sunday Times September 3, 2000. (2 Dec. 2001) "Tune Out the Violence." Federal Trade Commission. 1999. (2 Dec. 2001)