Immortals throughout "The Odyssey"

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Persistence is defined as the ability to never give up or let go, to be insistently continuous. "The Odyssey" shows an infamous man of admirable exploits, who endured an immense journey full great hardships and troubles while trying so hard to reach his homeland of Ithaca, his persistence shining above all. Homer displays the incessant lust the great Odysseus has to reach home and his beloved family. From battling in the horrid Trojan War to …

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…of these immortals, thus, giving dismay and fear to the mortals. The fact is that, gods controlled life in the Greek culture. Odysseus was never alone, all his detours and actions were controlled by the gods. Homer also represents how these immortal gods can direct one man's life into so many different routes. Even though, the persistence, tolerance, and courage of Odysseus are so great, it is no match to the power of the gods.