Immigration; a story of an immigrants life combined with historical facts.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
My name is Joe and I live in London, England. When I was eight years old my parents decided to move to America. I wasn't sure about going, but my parents said America promised free land and easier work. So we went to the New World. It was 1850 when my family decided to move to America. Our farm was not producing enough crops for us to sell. My parents got the idea from seeing advertisements …

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…for it. In 1917, the United States limited the amount of immigrants allowed to come to the United States each year. People come to the United States for many reasons. They want a better education, freedom of religion and a good job. If someone is not allowed to enter the United States legally, they try to sneak in. Many people die trying to come here. The United States of America is a great place to live.