Immigration to Americas

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Prior to 1650, many Englishmen immigrated to the New World, specifically to the North American Colonies. These immigrants fled from a society that they found to be displeasing in many specific ways. Although economic and political values led to much of the English migration to the New World, religious tumult in England was undoubtedly the main cause for the immigration. James I, who believed in the divine right of kings, thought he was allowed to disobey …

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…World, since perhaps this was the promised land. Many people from England fled to the New World during the late 1500s and early 1600s. Their country was in a state of economic, political, and religious tumult, and they saw great potential in the New World. They were displeased with the Catholic Church and all of England, so they came to the Colonies to start anew, and create what was, in their eyes, the perfect society.