Immigration patterns of the United States. This essay deals with the the role of women, labor conditions, and the growth of labor unions during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

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Essay Database > History
Immigration Patterns of the United States During the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, America had changed focus from agriculture to industry, and people moved from rural to urban areas. People were searching for jobs, and many settled for careers in mining, factory work, and other industrial professions. The cities soon became very overcrowded, which brought about a major problem with pollution. The working conditions were even worse than the cities, but people could …

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…century included the improvements in primitive labor unions, the horrid working conditions, and the importance of women. The positive aspect of these issues is that they were all improving. Through labor unions, working conditions were progressively getting better, while women's wages were also gradually rising. These were important keys to the wave of immigration during the late nineteenth century. The aforementioned conditions proved that America's economy had been established as a stable and trustworthy market.