Immigration is not a positive social phenomenon.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The word "to immigrate" simply means to come to a foreign country with the intention of living there for the rest of your life. There are several reasons why people leave their countries and start living somewhere else. The main reasons why immigration can be considered a wholly negative social problem are the following ones: First of all immigration testifies that there is something wrong with the country which people leave. Especially in the past, …

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…people who came from Europe five centuries ago who settled there, and built and developed the country? Would the USA be the world-leading No. 1 authority without the number of foreigners who lived there and brought huge benefits to the country, enriched it in the field of culture, education and science? Definitely not! When talking about immigration and problems connected with it, people should first realize its contribution to their country before they condemn all immigrants.