Immigration in the United States

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Whya do many highly trained people from developing nations seek employment in advanced countries? Why are these highly educated people apparently more productive and highly paid in these advanced countries than they are in their home countries? Over the years the United States has been called a nation of immigrants. The fact that it is a melting pot for so many different cultures, races, and religions makes the nation quite unique in the world. Asian …

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…e H1B Cap Will Move Jobs Overseas," Survey Findings, April 12, 2000, Employment Policy Foundation Kundu, "Keeping the High Tech Edge: Immigration policy is Crucial to Future Competitiveness," Fact & Fallacy, December 15, 1999 Moreno, Sara, "A New Immigration Policy," The Dismal Scientist,, 2001 Moore, Stephen (CATO institute), "High Tech Job Opportunity," Washington Times, September 17, 1998 Spruell, Sakina, Ed., "Crossing the Border," Black Enterprise, October 2000, p. 19 Tyson, Laura, "Open the Gates Wide to High Skill Immigrants," Business Week, July 5, 1999