Immigration facts

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1. Some of the immigrants who came to the US between the Civil War and WWI include the Irish, Germans, Italians, Polish, Jews, Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. Groups such as the American Protective Association, the Immigration Restriction League, and the notorious Ku Klux Klan discriminated against these groups. Literacy tests were proposed by the Immigration Restriction League to test new immigrants on literacy of any language. This made it hard for immigrants who were poor and …

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…with prejudice from oldcomers. Immigrants were not allowed in some Colleges. They could not have certain jobs or positions in society. They had to deal with violent groups who hated immigrants. The Japanese were put in concentration camps and all Asians were not allowed to enter for some time. The discrimination that these new immigrants faced was ironic in its nature since the people doing the discrimination were either immigrants themselves or had immigrant ancestors.