Immigration as a social problem

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Essay Database > Law & Government
MY POSITION: America is a country based on immigrants. From the early days after discovering it many immigrants came to this country and start to build it. From that day until now many new people are adding to the population of America. It is a true statement that some of them hurt the country, but in many ways immigrants played a positive role in improving it. For instance, some of the immigrants are owners of …

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…the borders elsewhere as what they are: invaders" ( DEMOCRATIC PARTY POSITION: Wesley Clark on Immigration stated that I am very pro-immigration (Jun 27). Immigration is vital to prosperity (Jun 17). Howard Dean on Immigration claimed, "The Americas are more important than War on Terror" (Sep 4). No automated entry-exit control system; allow free flow (Jul 2000). Share costs of legal immigration between states & federal (Feb 2001). Federal government should deal with criminal repatriation (Feb 2001) (