Immigration and the U.S.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Immigration and the U.S. What is the meaning of immigration? Immigration is the passing or coming into a country to which one is not native for the purpose of permanent residence. The agency responsible for creating and enforcing laws for immigration in the United States is the INS, or Immigration and Naturalization Service. There are many factors that cause people to immigrate, especially to the U.S.; some factors are so alluring that people …

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…cause the annual limit has been exceeded. On the other hand, INS clerks and inspection officers treat aliens that have visas disrespectfully. They receive the same treatment illegal immigrants do. This raises different questions. Has the government given INS too much power? Is all of this immigration regulation necessary? How are applicants treated? Americans might believe that immigrants are not treated badly, but you should ask the people that have experienced INS policy, the immigrants.