Immigration and my opinion.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The United States was built by immigrants, many of whom were seeking a new life and a new land. Early in the nations history anyone could move to the United States. But throughout history the federal government has placed limits on who can and who cannot come to the United States to live and work. After the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many immigrants and visitors have felt less welcome. Many Americans favored tighter restrictions on …

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…about nonresident visitors and students. Invasive tracking procedures should not be used because it will deter tourists, visitors, and workers to the detriment of U.S. business and commerce. In the end legal immigrant should not be treated different because of their ethnic or religious group. Profiling is wrong and should be stopped because it is illegal and it alienates people by their background. Legal immigrants should be treated like any other U.S. citizens.