Immigration Sociology: The difficulties of becoming American; Cosmopolitan Ethincity: Indo Carribian Identies

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The difficulties of becoming American America has been and still is for many immigrants the country of equal opportunity, the country, where you find a better life, and one can have the freedom of individuality. The high immigration rates and the growing number of second generation immigrant children have caused concerns for the American society. One of these concerns is the fear of loosing the core American Culture, and another major concern is how second …

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…core identity for ever. After all it is society that changes culture. Instead of one core identity or one culture, there will be, or better there are already many to choose from. References: Warikoo, Natasha. . "Cosmopolitan Ethnicity: Second Generation Indo-Caribbean Identities". Pp. 361-391 in Philip Kasinitz, John Mollenkopf, and Mary Waters, eds. Becoming New Yorkers. NY: Sage Press. 2004. Mary C. Waters. Black Identities: West Indian Immigrant Dreams and American Realities. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2004.